Jute mesh wrap is a versatile material that can be used for crafting, organizing, and more. It is the perfect medium for crafting.

Jute mesh wrap is a great crafting material because it can be used to make journals, planners, organizers, and more.

  • Make your own organizer with jute mesh wrap. Use it as a divider between different sections in your planner or notebook. You could also use it to create pockets on the inside cover of your journal as well!
  • Create an envelope clutch by wrapping jute over several pieces of cardstock that have been cut into rectangles or squares. Once you've wrapped them all together with twine (or another string), sew up one side using thread that matches your color scheme so no one knows what's inside! 

Here are some of our favorite uses for jute mesh wrap:

1.    Create a Handmade Journal Cover

Jute mesh wrap is also a wonderful material to use when making hand-bound journals. You can find instructions on how to make your own at the [link].

To create a journal cover, you'll need some jute mesh wrap, glue and scissors. Start by cutting equal amounts of jute from each side of your roll so that you have enough material left over after covering the front and back covers of your notebook or journal. Next lay down some newspaper or something else disposable on your work surface so that it protects it from getting messy with glue! Then spread some hot glue onto one side of one edge (it doesn't matter which one) then press this down firmly onto both sides until there's no gaps between them left uncovered by any other layers below them.

2.    Make an Organizational Planner

If you're looking for a fun way to organize your planner, jute mesh wrap is the perfect solution! The flexible material will hold together all of your planner accessories and keep them from getting lost in the shuffle.

You can use jute mesh wrap as an organizational tool by:

  • Using it as an actual cover for your planner
  • Wrapping it around the outside edge of your notebook or folder so that all of your papers stay in place

3.    Make a Craft Supply Organizer

Jute mesh wrap is a great way to organize your craft supplies. You can use it to store ribbings, trimmings and other sewing supplies. It works well for storing your craft tools as well, or even art supplies!

4.    Create a Scrapbook Cutout/Embellishment Holder

  • Use jute mesh wrap to create a custom-sized scrapbook cutout/embellishment holder.
  • Make sure to use a ruler and pencil to draw the outline of your cutout on the jute mesh wrap.
  • Cut along the outline with a sharp pair of scissors.

5.    Add Some Extra Storage to Your Desk or Craft Room

In addition to being a great way to organize your craft supplies, jute mesh wrap can also be used as a handy organizer for all kinds of other things. If you're looking for a way to add some extra storage space in your home office or craft room, jute mesh wrap is the perfect solution.

If you have lots of ribbons and trimmings that need organizing but don't have enough space on your desk or table top, try using jute mesh wrap as an alternative storage option! Not only will it help keep everything neat and tidy while adding some color into the mix (no matter what kind of project you're working on), but it's easy enough that anyone can do it!

6.    Use Jute Mesh Wrap as Display Board

  • Use jute mesh wrap as a display board for your artwork or scrapbook project.
  • To make a display board, cut a piece of foam core board to the size you want, then attach the jute mesh wrap with hot glue around all four sides of it. You can also use spray adhesive if you don't want to use hot glue but want something more permanent than just tacking things down with thumbtacks!
  • The width of the jute mesh wrap should be about 2 inches wider than your finished project will be (so if you're making an 8x10 photo album cover out of construction paper and glittery stickers, maybe go with 9x12).

7.    Use Jute Mesh Wrap to Organize Your Ribbings, Trimmings and Other Sewing Supplies

Jute mesh wrap can be used to organize your ribbons, trimmings and other sewing supplies. You can use it as a sewing kit for all of your threading needles and pins. It will keep everything organized and easy to find in one place!

You can also use jute mesh wrap as an organizer for your craft room if you're not interested in making this into an actual sewing kit. It works great for storing pencils, pens, paints or any other tools needed for arts & crafts projects.

8.    Create Custom Drawstring Bags with Jute Mesh Wrap

So, you've got a lot of ideas that need to be put into action. And while it may seem like your only option is to buy a bunch of pre-made drawstring bags and have them lying around until the day comes when they're needed, there's actually another way! With just some jute mesh wrap and some basic sewing skills, you can make custom drawstring bags for all sorts of projects--and save yourself some money in the process.

Here's how:

  • Cut two pieces of jute mesh wrap to the desired length (the width should be about 2x as wide as your fabric). You can adjust this depending on how full you want your bag or what size materials will go inside it; if using this technique for smaller items like jewelry or makeup brushes, try cutting 3" squares instead!
  • Sew together one end of each piece using needle & thread (or machine) so it becomes one long strip with an opening at one end; if doing by hand use small stitches so they won't show through later when attaching handles/ties etc.. If using machine take care not to sew too tightly otherwise there won't be enough room inside once filled with goodies!

9.    Make a Photo Display Frame or Wall Art with Jute Mesh Wrap & Foam Core Board

You can use jute mesh wrap to create a photo display frame or wall art. The process is simple and you only need a few materials:

  • Jute mesh wrap (or other material)
  • Foam core board, cut into squares or rectangles of varying sizes, depending on how big you want your final product to be (you might also consider using fabric instead)

    To make the frame, simply adhere the foam core squares onto each side of your jute mesh wrap with hot glue or double-sided tape. Then place them in an arrangement that you like before securing them together with more hot glue at each corner where two pieces meet.


So, what are you waiting for? Go out and get yourself some jute mesh wrap so you can start using these great ideas! Similar to this, you can also use deco poly mesh in a number of ways for your art and craft projects.